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The only way is up for the Value and Values Award

What are the values we live for and by, and how should those values be reflected in the way that our economy is run? The collapse of Lebanon’s economy put into stark relief the gulf between our values as individuals and how our country’s economic model was organised. As we try to rebuild our economy, understanding what we value is essential, and will allow us to define and create a more sustainable, inclusive society.

The Value and Values Award is an essay writing competition to put the values of the youth at the centre of this important economic debate, and give voice to the Lebanese who will create and live with the new economic model of Lebanon

For the second year, the Value and Values Award puts Lebanon’s youth at the heart of this debate, giving voice to the Lebanese who will create and live with the new economic model of Lebanon.

The responses and engagement we have seen throughout this years competition, show that Lebanon’s youth want to be heard. .

In its second year, over 120 school and university students from across Lebanon submitted essays in answer to two questions.

School Category:

What economic value does time have, and how does it relate to the values an individual or society holds?

University Category:

What is the most important economic unit in a society? Is it the individual, the family, the local community, or the nation?

A jury of highly respected public figures reviewed the essays based on their structure and ability to inspire, and selected nine finalists.

Congratulations to all who applied and to the winners:


Winner: Jason Kourieh, Université Sain Joseph 

Winner: Angela Elias, NDU

Runner up: Celine Dibo, American University of Beirut


Winner: Tiya Kasitro, Makassed Khalid Ben Al Walid Al Horj

Winner: Sarah Al Rahim, My New College

Runner up: Raghad Owayed, New Educational School


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Who we are


INJAZ Lebanon

INJAZ Lebanon is a non-profit organization that aims to educate and prepare Lebanon’s youth to become qualified professionals and successful entrepreneurs in a growing economy. INJAZ partners with the private sector and actively engages the business community through a volunteer-based model to deliver its hands-on training programs focusing on Entrepreneurship, Work Readiness, and Financial Literacy.


Rakiza is a Lebanese NGO dedicated to furthering economic opportunities for the financially disadvantaged in the Arab world. For the last two years, Rakiza has organized the Arab Financial Inclusion Innovation Prize (AFIIP), which has rewarded and supported solutions that can increase access to financial services in the region and reduce their costs.

FNF Lebanon

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) is one of the partners for the 2022 Value and Values Award. The Beirut office is focused on Lebanon and its people. In Lebanon, their main objectives are political education, Lebanese start-ups support, civil society organizations and youth enabling, while raising awareness on civic engagement and sustainable development.