Financial innovation and education for inclusive markets
Rakiza is a Lebanese NGO dedicated to furthering economic opportunities for the financially disadvantaged in the Arab world. For the last two years, Rakiza has organized the Arab Financial Inclusion Innovation Prize (AFIIP), which has rewarded and supported solutions that can increase access to financial services in the region and reduce their costs.
Innovation for the low-income and MSMEs.
The Arab Financial Inclusion Innovation Prize (AFIIP) was established in 2018 to act as the region’s scout and incubator for financially-inclusive solutions. AFIIP uses its activities to drive forwards innovation for long-term financial inclusion and to increase access to financial services for low-income individuals, households and MSMEs. In the process, AFIIP also better provides valuable information to investors, accelerators and international organisations on the most effective ways to increase growth opportunities in the MENA region.
Youth financial literacy in Lebanon
Rakiza also manages the Value and Values Award. This award is an essay-writing competition to provide the youth of Lebanon with a platform to voice their views and aspirations for the economic future of their country in the wake of multiple crises. Rakiza, along with INJAZ Lebanon will provide mentorship and editorial coaching to applicants alongside the opportunity to win a cash prize and exposure in Lebanon’s leading media outlets.
Want to get involved?
At Rakiza we have a strong network of international and regional partners committed to support our efforts in the region, and are always eager to expand the network.
We are also looking for motivated individuals to join our team and help push our efforts for better financial inclusion in the Arab world.
If you are interested in joining the team or for partnership, contact us.